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General Discussions
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9Church and Unity
God is one and Jesus is one, the Body of Jesus is the Church, Dios es uno y Cristo es uno, la Iglesia es su Cuerpo
Mass and Jesus is the Bread of Life, la Misa y Jesús es el Pan de Vida
3Blessed Mother
Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Jesus, the Mother of God and our Mother too, La Virgen María Madre de Dios y nuestra
The written word of God, la palabra escrita de Dios
Spoken word of God, la palabra hablada de Dios
People in Heaven have no sin in the Triumphant Church in Heaven, personas sin pecado en la Iglesia Triunfadora del Cielo
Prime Minister of the Kingdom of God or visible leader of the Church visible, Militant, St Peter was the first pope
There are 7, Baptism, Holy Communion, Confirmation,Confession, Anointed of the Sick, Holy Orders and Holy Matrimony
Dialogue for unity and love, separated brothers and other faiths and no Christians, no Católicos buscando la unidad
2Moral Teachings
Behavior in action and words that pleased God, nuestras acciones y palabras que Dios esté contento con nosotros
4Matters of Faith
Beliefs for 2,000 years that came from the Apostles from Jesus, apostolic faith, fe apostólica de 2,000 años, creencias
2Prayer Board
To pray for our needs, thanksgivings, praise, etc, area de oración, de acción de gracias, alabanzas, etc.
- General DiscussionsI have a conversation with a person that has been involved with the youth and in the church who said that he is against abortion but do not force people to follow his beliefs. He is for the democratic party and said many in church are too. I said to him that we must evangelize, we are not forcing anything to anyone. He asked if they had free will and God will forgive them. I answered him that the democratic party is a satanic party. He tried to said it is not. I mentioned to him that he might not be informed. He said that he is informed. I said to look the democratic party website, they are pro-abortion, freedom of choice. He asked me if I know what that is. Women with that mentality said is my body and I can do what I want with my body. I told him it is a lie to said it is my body; it is really two bodies, her baby and her. I mentioned to him that abortion is the mortal sin most liked by the devil. I said that is why is a satanic party. It is doing the work of the devil on earth. It is like 2+2=4. He said he can be forgiven. I mentioned God forgive all sins except the sin against the Holy Spirit. He knows that is the work of devil and he will continue to support that by voting for the satanic party knowingly and at time of death repent and expect God to forgive him, I said to him that is playing Russian Rolette with his salvation. The sin of presumption, sin against the Holy Spirit. God knows our hearts; we cannot fool God. Danger at time of death be hooked by the devil. Catholics that vote for that satanic party knowingly are lukewarm Catholics. They know what the Church teaches and they do not care. Moreover, God told to Exequiel that is your brother is sinning and you said nothing, you will respond to me, no salvation for him. If you said something when he is sinning, and your brother do not care to change, you saved yourself. Jesus said the wheat and the weed will be together and the world will hate you. If the majority of the church are for that pro-abortion party, that does not make it right and approved by God, therefore, His will. His will is Life, no death.Me gusta
- General DiscussionsThe democratic party supports abortion even at time of birth. If the baby survive abortion, kill him/her or let die. They are part of the culture of death. The satanic temple are in the same page with the democrats. Abortion is the mortal sin the devil like the most, the mortal sin of the mortal sins. Abortion is the sin that offends God the most. When we add up all together, like 2+2=4, we can easily conclude that the democratic party is a satanic party. They are doing the work of Satan on earth. Then you add the transvestites. A man or boy who think he is a woman or girl or a woman or girl who think she is a man or boy, can have the sexual parts removed and they pay for the surgery in top of that with tax payers’ money. Tomorrow we will elect new president. The choice is clear. Anybody that vote for the democrats are voting for Satan. If they are aware and Catholics, they are lukewarm Catholics. At time of death, we will respond to God how we voted. We pray for the salvation of all souls and sincere repentance and conversion.Me gusta
- General DiscussionsA conversation with Hispanic man, he said that democrats and republicans are both pro-abortion now. It was difficult to talk to him, he wanted to talk, no listening the response, one way conversation. That is selfish. He said President Trump said abortion is ok in 6 weeks and the States decide. The answer to him is that is a lie from hell. Republicans are pro-life, democrats are pro-abortion. He asked if abortion or not at 6 weeks. The answer it is abortion, and he went away, no caring for a response. He lost the argument when he did not care to face the Truth. First, Trump is pro-life but approved exceptions like rape or the danger of the life of the mother. The democrats ok on abortion at 9 months and make abortion a national law. I do not approve abortion at all. I agreed with Trump and the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe vs Wade, that the States decide. There are pro-life states and of God as Texas. There are satanic states because there are pro-abortion as New York. As far life of the mother, we must try to save both, mother and baby if possible. Trump position is the less of the two evils. The democrats are a satanic party because they are pro-abortion. They agreed killing the baby who survive abortion.Me gusta